
Protecting the forests of tomorrow with proper forest management today.

There are 18.5 million forested acres in NY. There is nearly one acre of trees for every single NYS resident.

New York has more forest land than any other northeastern state – 18.5 million acres, covering 62% of the State. Our forests are a tremendous, and sometimes unrecognized, recreational, environmental and economic asset – providing a home to wildlife, scenic beauty timber for wood products and the source of clean drinking water for millions of New Yorkers.

Our forestry program mainly involves the use of selective timber harvesting techniques where only mature, over mature, over crowded, diseased, dying or poorly formed trees are harvested. With proper selective forestry the trees will grow stronger and produce higher quality wood lots for future generations.

Our professional and experienced foresters work with the landowners to help them identify their management goals and objectives, as well as developing a forest resource program to achieve them.

Free estimates, free references, fully insured.

An informative resource: